Wednesday, January 9, 2013


2013 has arrived, as you may know. January is the time for resolutions and planning, and for me, a time for goals and dreams for the long year ahead. In December I decided that it would be a great idea to create my very own YouTube channel. Because of my very slight addiction to baking and beauty videos, I thought it would be easy to keep up with. Wrong. So as a result I have one video up on my channel and I have a little more iMovie skill than I once had. As it turns out, this years very unique goal started as talking to my camera, editing, and posting, but formed into typing my spectacular ideas and photographing my creations to share with you. So this fine new year, I shall blog. And blog. And bake. And create cute outfits . I will try to blog whenever I possibly can and keep you allll updated on the adventures of my life. If you have faith in me, you can help me grow into a highschooler and then into a college student. I will not disappoint. Want to know a little more about me? Watch my one video and leave comments everywhere! (Here, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest) Tell me if you love Pinterest as much as I do and if you will stick with me through this blogging journey. To conclude my very FIRST blog, let me just say "Welcome fellow bloggers, readers, bakers, fashionistas and welcome 2013!" I love you all!! Xoxo muah!

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